August 10, 2023 - Hello Land Share Riders! It's been a long time since this page was updated. As of today B Trail will remain closed until further notice. The rain this season has destroyed it, the land owner has downed trees so it is impassable. Therefore, parking at Randell Hill Rd. is a dead end. Also Devil's Den scenic trail is closed for the 2023 season. We are working with the new land owners for a solution for the 2024 season. There are ongoing detour this year due to the rain. All will be clearly posted, please follow the detour signs. As always please go slow through residential areas, and especially when going by houses. Dirt bikes are not allowed on C Trail to F Trail pper the land owner please. One last thing, please avoid parking at the Covered Bridge, we have park & rides at Hasty and Chase Roads with plenty of room! As always, ride safe and respect the land owners!
July 23, 2022 - Hi everyone, trailmaster Bob here. As most of you have heard the microburst that went through here devastated the F trail and on the E trail left a huge tree crushing Emerson bridge just north of Hasty rd parking area. The landowners are getting loggers to try to salvage as many logs as possible, therefore E and F will be closed to all riding until that gets done. PLEASE RESPECT THIS CLOSURE. We will try to talk with the town for a temporary reroute of the affected area if possible and keep you all updated of progress. Thanks
JUNE 14, 2020 - . We, as many other clubs, have been dealing with an increase in complaints of irresponsible operation this year.
We understand it is not all riders and we understand that primarily the individuals who are operating irresponsibly typically have no affiliation witn a club, but we do know that often times what appears as innocent fun can be frustrating to landowners and to neighbors of trails.
We ask and urge everyone to be a true ambassador for the sport. Pay attention to your surroundings, respect signage because it is there for a reason. If you ride with a group ensure that your group rides responsibly. That goose of the throttle or that spinning of tires could be the nail in the coffin for some trails.
We must as a community make responsible riding the norm. We must outnumber the bad apples.
For everyone who enjoys the trails and respects the land we thank you.
JULY 25, 2020 - Do you love Devil’s Den? We do too...
But here goes. A very frustrated landowner has had to deal with damage and disrespect. A landowner who graciously allows access to one of the best overlooks around...
Due to early riding and people thinking it’s fun to rut up a muddy entrance a water line was damaged and the access as we know it was closed. This land owner could have easily said “that’s it” and locked the gate and shut things down. He didn’t. He understands the beauty of the area and has no issue with people enjoying it too. He has no issue as long as those coming to visit are appreciative of that privilege. He graciously re-routed the trail so access could continue but has been met with continued issues. People being rude for the gate closure and endless trash. He has even had riders nearly strike his animals in their own front yard.
Imagine yourself in his position. Imagine machine after machine traveling through at high rates of speed, dust, trash, and being yelled at because you have rerouted the trail to preserve your own property.
And still this landowner is willing to work with us.
So here’s the deal. New trail signs are up. Do not stop in front of the old access idling and congregating. You are in someone’s front yard. Follow the signs to the new trail at a reasonable speed keeping your dust down. Be appreciative that this beautiful place is open to you to recreate. Really appreciate it.
And finally: pick up your trash. Carry in/carry out. Don’t be a dink. Seriously.
Heather Ricker
We need your support!!Come out and Support ATVing in Southern, Maine
We are always looking for extra people who can help.